"Direct Selling is The Best!!"

02 Pebrero 2012

Business Ideas for 2012

THIS 2012

By viewing this video you will understand and help you motivate and encourage to make a business rather than to find a job.
On this video emphasize the different characteristic between the boss and the workers, by making money your own or working for money..

Wise Investments!

Rice Land

House & Lot

Hi everyone its my second post! In connection with my first post here are some of the properties that we can easily sell like  the ones shown above..

Rice is important to everyone because it is one of our basic needs.  There are a lot of ways to get into rice-related business. One way is through financing. Most of the rice land owner don't have enough resources to finance their rice land from planting until harvest. You can provide them with insecticides, fertilizers & money for them to survive until harvest time. In return, they will sell their harvest to you, deducting all the expenses spent for the entire duration. Otherwise mostly of the residents in my place who don't have a rice land they just put there money to those have rice land,its another way of financing they called it "butang" in our dialect term, e.g; if you wish to put 1thousand pesos, in return for this in harvest time they will give you back your 1thousand pesos with 1sack of grains or no cash but with 3sacks of grains, its up to you of what you want.. In other hand selling & buying properties is one of the most common business now a days,such as real state! some they sell,some are they just give to rent.. To those who's planning to sell your property but not much big amount you really need? In my own opinion its better to just  rent out your property rather than to loss your property at once by selling it, " remember money is easy to spend but it takes a years to invest." Think it first in a million times before its too late..

01 Pebrero 2012

Welcome in Phil. Best Direct Selling Website

Plan to Sell and Buy Properties and Electronics Devices at Reasonable Price? Do you have problem selling or marketing them?


Phil. Best Direct Selling the right website for you! The answer for your Needs! Where your things and your peso have more value..

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